Every Student, Life Ready
The mission of Riverton CUSD #14 is to create a supportive environment where we inspire and challenge our students to reach their highest potential.
Riverton Community Unit School District #14
Board of Education
Strategic Plan
MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of Riverton CUSD #14 is to create a supportive environment where we inspire and challenge our students to reach their highest potential.
VISION STATEMENT: Every Student, Life Ready
VALUES: (1) We value the growth and success of our students; (2) We value our people and relationships with staff members, students, and their families; (3) We value connections with the community of Riverton; and, (4) We value innovation from our students and staff within our schools and programs.
BELIEFS: (1) We believe education is essential to life readiness; (2) We believe every student can learn and be successful; (3) We believe in accepting, celebrating, and respecting the individuality of others; and, (4) We believe in working together to provide for and support the families of our community.
GOAL #1: Life Readiness - Our students will be prepared and ready for success in life.
SUBGOAL #1 - Educational & Life Opportunities
Improve curricular alignment, continuity, and applicability of course content to align with Life Ready Initiative
Assess the effectiveness of and applicability of all core and elective courses through a course audit in Fifth-Twelfth Grade
Implement new elective courses at Riverton High School focusing on applicable skills for life
Conduct a feasibility study to implement exploratory courses at Riverton Middle School aligning with life ready objectives and elective courses at Riverton High School
Increase opportunities for career exploration and exposure without forcing students to identify a singular pathway
Identify a viable system to expose students to varying workforce opportunities through internships, externships, and job shadowing experiences
Align English-Language Arts curriculum with the recommendations provided in the Illinois Literacy Plan
Graduate students from Riverton Schools who exhibit essential skills for life
Implement concepts and communicate the Riverton Schools Portrait of a Graduate at all grade levels
Integrate life ready performance indicator criteria within instruction in all grade levels
Increase opportunities for students to provide their opinions and voice on the operations of Riverton Schools
Develop plan to expand early childhood programs and offerings
SUBGOAL #2 - Mental & Physical Health
Improve the mental and physical health and wellbeing of all students attending Riverton Schools
Improve Physical Education curriculum and instruction with a focus on health, wellness, fitness, and skill-building
Conduct a student survey on topics in health, incorporating results into health curriculum
Leverage Competency-Based Education Pilot to reduce workloads, time requirements, and pressure for students who are competent in identified disciplines
Incorporate units on proper phone and social media usage and the effects of cyberbullying into health curriculum
Connect every child with a caring, committed adult within Riverton Schools
Introduce a bullying intervention program, teaching effective methods of intervention and improving communication and education to the school community on bullying
Introduce a version of the Behavior Intervention Support Teams (BIST) Program at Riverton High School to improve consistency with behavior expectations
Improve social-emotional learning programs focused on building confidence and leadership skills in children
Identify methods of incorporating student-adult interaction with the intent of increasing student voice and ownership in learning
SUBGOAL #3 - Life Transitions
Improve continuity for students when transitioning to new schools or programs
Conduct a survey from students and families to determine and address concerns when transitioning to a new program or a new school
Expand transition weeks at the end of the school year for students in exiting grades, and increase opportunities for families to become more familiar with new school buildings and expectations
Increase opportunities for vertical curriculum alignment with staff at all levels
Increase opportunities for clubs and activities at Riverton Elementary School
Introduce student Problem-Solving Teams at all three school buildings
Identify method of tracking and responding to post-graduation progress from recent graduates
GOAL #2: Operational Services - Our operations will support the life readiness of our students.
SUBGOAL #1 - Facilities Modernization
Update and maintain the educational facilities to provide an environment aligning with the improvement goals of the district
Visually communicate mission, vision, beliefs, etc. in high-traffic areas of school buildings
Improve underutilized areas of the schools to provide additional learning, performance, and practice space
Identify plan to update facilities to support new courses and programs following approval and implementation
Maintain process for approving and updating Capital Improvements Plan
Explore long-term facilities additions and/or improvements, resulting in new buildings for programs and activities
SUBGOAL #2 - Resource Conservation
Maintain fiscal responsibility to ensure program and school improvement, growth, and continuity of services to the community
Update and identify responsible objective for cash reserves
Explore opportunities for the use of renewable energy sources in school buildings and transportation services
Maintain consistent building appraisal schedule including inventory for supplies and equipment
Develop schedule and process for the disposal of excess or underutilized supplies and materials
Improve the recycling program for the school district, effectively reducing excess waste
Retain and improve the capacity of the certified and non-certified staff of the school district
Offer compensation and benefits packages to staff commensurate with averages in the area
Collaborate with certified and non-certified staff to evaluate and recommend improvements to evaluation systems
Improve framework for the staff mentoring program of the school district
Increase consistency with instruction across the district through implementation of the District Instructional Framework
SUBGOAL #3 - Safety & Security
Provide a safe environment to students and staff conducive to teaching and learning
Establish and monitor security personnel schedules and performance to maximize safety of students
Require crisis prevention training for all security staff, and encourage training for security staff not assigned to the Riverton Schools
Identify improved process and timeline for safety drills and procedures, expanding upon current offerings
Collaborate with the first responders of the Village of Riverton to identify additional safety measures for all schools and activities
Audit the current access control and security systems of the school buildings, installing additional access points and security measures in areas of need
GOAL #3: Community Engagement - Our partnerships with our community will support our schools in preparing students for life.
SUBGOAL #1 - Intentional Communication
Improve communication with all stakeholders of Riverton Schools
Conduct a district-wide communication audit to identify the preferred methods of communication for all stakeholders, including community members who do not have children enrolled in school
Provide professional learning opportunities for staff members to improve their communication with students and families
Improve website to include a mobile version and an easily accessible activities calendar for the school district
Implement consistent methods of communicating announcements and events from all schools and programs
Increase communication of student, staff, and program successes
Establish a club or activity, collaborating with students, to improve the broadcasting of school events
Install new signs at all buildings and/or in high-traffic areas, and partner with local businesses in Riverton to communicate schedules and events
Identify a recorder and/or secretary for all school activities to communicate with and publish updates in the Riverton Register and district publications
SUBGOAL #2 - Extracurricular Activities
Invest in the students and community of Riverton in an effort to increase success and community pride
Establish position in the school district to prioritize increasing athletic engagement, success, and community pride, supporting coaches, physical and health education, and activities
Increase opportunities for in-house leagues and camps to increase skill-building at the younger levels
Improve and individualize offseason training programs
Increase student and family participation and engagement in school and community activities
Establish committee of activity sponsors to identify methods of increasing pride in activities other than sports
Increase opportunities to involve students in the production of school events (i.e. bench officials, gameday workers, broadcasting and announcing, etc.)
Encourage and establish networks within activities to increase parent and family engagement
Increase communication of activities to students and families in an effort to improve participation
SUBGOAL #3 - Community Connections
Connect with community partners and leaders, providing additional support for Riverton Schools, students, and programs
Establish partnerships with local businesses to provide students work-based learning opportunities
Implement community-service hours as middle school promotion and high school graduation requirements
Identify menu of service projects with the village leadership to provide to Riverton students seeking volunteer opportunities
Partner with established in-house youth sports leagues in Riverton to improve programs and increase participation at younger levels
Collaborate with the leadership of the Village of Riverton to improve the community
Develop a district- and village-wide, multi-pronged branding strategy, marketing & public relations plan that clearly delineates and solidifies what Riverton Schools and the Village of Riverton is known for and the distinctiveness of the Riverton Schools student experience
Collaborate with village leadership to identify research-based strategies for improving perception of the town and schools
Develop agreement with village leadership to share resources and facilities for student use